Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bumper Sticker Philosophy

If i had a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life it would be,"The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese".

This statement to me represents patience and that is a quality that I have lots of. It also represents being cautious and not just acting without considering the consequences. These qualities play a big role in my life.

Patience is a quality that many people lack. I have always had patience for lots of things, especially children. Children at younger ages can tend to be very curious and ask a lot of questions, or even act on urges they might have without knowing the dangers and what will come of it. I have learned that all you have to do is take a little extra time to explain things to them and things will turn a lot better. Many people find children to be annoying, but everyone was a child once and was taught by someone else with the patience to deal with them.

this statement also represents being cautious and not jumping right into situations without thinking it through. I like to do things that are random but I do consider the risks of what is being done. people who fail to do this often end up in bad situations or find themselves regreting their decisions. So i belive that this represents my philosphy on life very well.


  1. i'm glad that we do have ppl with a lot of patience like you because i am diff. at the bottom of the list when it comes to that.

  2. I plan on having a career that involves children and in order to have a career like that i have to have patience. I love kids and they can get annoying sometimes but they're really fun company.

  3. I was really impatient as a child, now i'm beginning to learn that as you get older, you have to be very patient to deal with everyday situations. It's easy to become impatient with children, but we were all children once so if you look at it like that its easier to understand.

  4. It is always nice to have people out there who actually have patience, especially for children, because some children are really hard to deal with, either they are grumpy, or can't communicate what they want yet. I have a little sister and i have some patience for her, but not as much as i should. lol

  5. Ok so I don't follow the children angle much, I like them but avoid them if I can. I do however absolutly love this quote. I've never heard it before but it's great.

  6. i am one of those people that lack patience. i should really try to develop it

  7. Indeed everyone can always work on patience as it is a hard trait to learn. and I strongly agree with considering the consequences before jumping to a conclusion. A well thought out process leads to a well thought our decision.

  8. Great philosophy! Patience...ah, this is something I need a little more of, but I'm working on it! But I agree one thousand percent about considering the consequences when asessing a situation. Depending on the situation, acting upon impulse and passion can land us in major trouble.

  9. I appreciate your philosophy on life as a reminder for me. I believe that patience can be a trained quality if one is not naturally that way. For that reason I can often overcome a trying situation by reminding myself that I stand to benefit from a test of patience. I also think that by surrounding myself with people who exude the qualities that I value can have a positive effect on my growth in those areas.
